Song Thrush
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Our crucial independent research and the work achieved by SongBird Survival is only possible due to the generosity of supporters like you

Meta Analysis of Nest Camera Studies Appeal

Despite predation of clutches and or broods from nests being an important component of avian population dynamics, there is a very poor understanding of the relative contribution of different classes of predators and how this varies among bird species, habitats or contexts. 

With the United Kingdom boasting a diverse predator assemblage, it is vital that we gain a comprehensive understanding of the reality of the situation. There has been a gradual accumulation of nest camera studies providing unbiased evidence on predator identity, replacing biased evidence from inference, field signs or dummy nests.

However there has been no meta-analysis conducted to date across these studies this to provide greater quantitative understanding of which classes of predators contribute to nest predation in different contexts. 

To achieve this understanding, we have embarked on a groundbreaking study that requires your generous contribution.

how your gift helps

Your generosity will enable us to determine the extent to which predation poses a threat to nests and hatchlings and which predators are involved. Your gift funds a six month study at the University of East Anglia 

Your donation will enable the research team to meticulously analyse and assess hundreds of previous studies which have utilised nest cameras and tracked predation events.

  • Your donation will enable the research team to meticulously analyse and assess hundreds of previous studies which have utilised nest cameras and tracked predation events.
  • Results will guide future field studies on nest predation and contribute to the development of effective strategies to protect our cherished songbirds.
Wood Warbler nestlings

You create a future for songbirds

Every pound you donate will help us in our mission to reverse the decline of songbird numbers in the UK.

Thank you so much

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Wood Warbler nestlings

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